A place to discuss anything and everything that strikes our fancy. Feel free to chime in.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

I'm sure you are wondering why we up and left

Hey guys, as you are all well aware, I posted a Jar-Jar themed prompt and then we all disappeared. I want to apologize for not keeping you in the loop, but Eli promised he would be the one to tell you guys. Eli, you are being called out for that. Me and the other authors of this blog have picked up a large and time consuming project together. Us, along with a friend or two of ours, are writing a novel together. It, without revealing too many details, is about an MPD guy in the seemingly Utopian future following WWIII. When the rebellious movement threatens to take down the government system put in place young Aref is the only one who can stop it. How can he, when he can't control himself? Sorry for the bit of dramatic and shameless self promotion there, but seriously. Aref, like everyone in this society, can wield magic, but he is special, each of his personalities can wield a different one of the 4 elements, unlike most people, who wield one or more, but in harmony. We are switching off personalities perspectives in chapters as the story fits, and each one of us has control over his personality. I am writing from the emotional and indecisive fire personalities perspective. The best sword wielding badass ever. Eli is earth, the emotionally detached rock, against all forms of change, choosing gauntlets to smash his way through the opposition. Wolter is air, the whimsy and fun loving aspect in it to have a good time. His chain batons crash and smash can combine to a bowstaff called eclipse when it is time to get serious. Our main man Jasper is writing as water, the lazy, dagger wielding, occasionally sarcastic son of a gun, who has strong opinions, but chooses the easiest method to get to his end goals. Together, we are writing four totally different people in one head and body, with only one thing in common, the desire to bring peace to the conflicted society. Sorry, I self promoted again. Anyways, you will know that you have read it when the name Mr.Squiggles brings tears to your eyes. See ya and allons-y.

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