A place to discuss anything and everything that strikes our fancy. Feel free to chime in.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

This is Gunna be Interesting

     I must say that my stance on gun control is the same as Eli's. I do believe that people who want guns for recreation, hunting, and self-protection (although the last use really isn't necessary), should be able to have them. However, people in today's society have access to sub machine guns and guns that belt out bullets at an unbelievable speed. Do we really need those guns? On top of that, people don't even require much of a background check to buy a gun. Do you really want a mentally ill person purchasing a weapon that can shoot hundreds of bullets in a single minutes? Putting that aside, do you even want a mentally ill person purchasing a gun? I think not. Sadly, gun lobbyists seem to ignore this part, and are instead yelling about the Second Amendment when they have a chance. Of course, there are ordinary people who do that as well, and I don't understand why. Do you?

Friday, April 29, 2016

A fire(arm)y topic

Hey guys. This is a very controversial issue, and is one of  the issues that I fall relatively in the middle on. The Bill of Rights gives Americans the right to bear arms, and I fully agree with that. Guns can be very useful in hunting, recreation, and home defense. I believe that Americans should have every right to carry a gun, and even that Americans should be encouraged to conceal carry for self defense. However, I don't think that you should just be able to walk into a store and buy a gun. I believe that there should be government background checks before someone is allowed to purchase a firearm, filtering out any known criminals and felons. I also believe that citizens should be unable to buy fully automatic rifles, or other military guns that serve no practical purpose. This should cut down on gun violence, while still letting people defend themselves.

Gun Control

     After a brief discussion with my co-authors, we have decided that this blog is going a little slow with the controversial matters. So today we will also be discussing gun control. Is the right to bear arms beneficial or hurtful to the country? How should the government deal with it? We look forward to your comments.

Marvel at this Post

Hey guys, I am here to answer the prompt, Marvel or DC. I vey strongly belive that Marvel is the better company. For one, Marvel was founded before DC, making it the original. Also, Marvel puts limits on their heroes, confining them to what would normally be possible for someone with their abilities and race(unlike Batman). There is also the fact that no Marvel hero is complicatedly indestructible(Unlike Superman). Even just look at the movies. Both companies are releasing films focused on internal strife. While Batman V. Superman just has two of the heroes fighting (granted, the only two that have any real popularity) Civil War pits the entirety of the Marvel Cinematic Universe against one another. Have I mentioned the fact that Marvel has a Cinematic Universe, while DC only has a few cheesy movies. All in all Marvel is far superior.

A MARVELous DC-sion

Hey guys. My current challenge is to choose between DC and Marvel.  Short answer, Marvel. Long answer, Marvel is fantastic across the board, while DC has Superman, specifically pre-crisis Superman. That is it, I love them both. See ya and allons-y.

I Detect the Comic Appeal

     I have read both Marvel and DC comics, and I must say that I support the DC comics. Their characters seem more developed and have darker pasts. I must add that I find the DC characters more iconic. Think about it. When you think of superhero, most people would probably imagine Superman (Not the best character, but the most well known). When you think of running at superhuman speeds, your mind simply thinks of the Flash. Very rarely will Quicksilver come first. I do like the setup of Omnipresent beings in the Marvel universe, but the DC has a very good Hal Jordan story line, where they follow him from the Green Lantern to the Spectre. On that note, I must say that the Lanterns add a very rich universal history for the DC story line. They affect the DC universe from the beginning of it's creation
      I also like the villains of the DC universe better. Darkseid is simply better that Apocalypse or Thanos, and Doomsday is better than the Abomination. There is just an appeal that makes them better. I mean, Apocalypse (no matter the power) is described as a mutant, that just makes me subconsciously equate that to weakness. On the other hand, Darkseid is depicted as a god, unbeatable with vast reserves of power. I know I've hit the more major villains, and not the little ones, but I can hardly compare every DC villain to a counterpart in Marvel. However, I must say the the backstories of the DC villains (Lex Luther, Joker, Mongul, etc.) is slightly better than that of the Marvel.
     However, I will give credit to the Marvel Norse setup. I really like how they inter integrated the Norse into the universe, and I really enjoyed following the path of Mjolnir from Thor's hands to Jane's. I do like the references to the Asgardian lore, but the DC is better overall.

Prepare for Comic Relief

Hey guys, I decided to do one more relatively trivial topic before diving in deep tomorrow. This topic is courtesy of Geek. Which do you prefer, DC or Marvel Comics. I look forward to seeing the responses.

Finding the Best Movie

Hey guys! So, my good friend Eli proposed we discuss the best Pixar movies of all time, thinking it would piss me off. What he didn't realize is I am one of the biggest Pixar nerds ever. I spend much time researching Pixar theory, and trying to make more connections. My favorite Pixar movie is always whatever I am researching at that moment. Right now, my favorite is Finding Nemo, as I am prepping for Finding Dory. #isitjuneyet.  I always go back to Finding Nemo however, as it is difficult to place in the Pixar theory timeline, which touches with the Disney theory timeline, though that is a story from another time. It is most definitely placed after The Incredibles, and I think it is before Toy Story.  But, I also like it because, add far as the Pixar universe goes, it doesn't matter really at all, it could be removed without consequences, even now as we know how it fits. The Lion King, although great, is not technically Pixar, and although it can be placed in Disney theory, it has difficulty finding its place in the Pixar theory. Unlike Belle in Beauty and the Beast, or Jane in Tarzan, which are related through the Duke of weasel town, I mean Weslton, The Incredibles is actually my favorite a lot of the time too, and lays the best back story for the rise of B'nL, Allinol, and the artificial intelligence. See ya and allons-y.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Lion is the King of the Movies

     While the Incredibles is a movie with a different feel than most, I must say my favorite was the Lion King. It is well renowned among the Disney movies, and many consider it the best, and for good reason. It is a very friendly movie, as a young lion cub must learn his place in the world, and something about the setting makes it feel better than most Disney movies. Perhaps it is the childish wickedness of Scar. Or maybe it's the goofy friends that Simba makes along the journey. Regardless, of the precise cause, the movie just has an otherworldly feel to it, that makes the other movies seem like they were made in monochrome.

An Incredible Movie

Hey Guys, in response to the prompt I posted earlier, my favorite Disney/Pixar movie is the Incredibles. For those of you who live under a rock at the bottom of the ocean, this movie is about a family of superheros, in a time when they are discriminated against and hated. So they lie there lives as normal citizens until Mr. Incredible(the dad) gets kidnapped and his family needs to save him, and then the world. (Spoilers, they win). I love this movie because it shows the struggle of a family to act like normal, when they are anything but. It also shows the skill of the writers at Disney/Pixar, coming up with a completely original story, and a movie that will be remembered for generations. I look forewards to the rest of the discussions on this topic.

A Very Animated Discusion

Hey guys, seeing as we just started this, we are going to start out with a fairly trivial matter. What is your favorite Disney/Pixar movie, and why. I figure this should lead to some light discussion before we delve into deeper and more controversial topics.

A bit about The Random Geek (The interesting one)

Hey guys. I already maintain a couple of blogs on my own, but when my friends Eli and Wolter approached me, asking if I wanted to help out on this one, I couldn't resist. For those who don't know me, I am a geek known by many names and have fingers in many bowls. Politically, I am pretty purple, but lean a little towards Democrat. To learn more about me, feel free to visit my about me page, or either of my personal blogs. C The Random Geek and Musings by The Random Geek

A bit about Wolter (The philosophical one)

Hello, I am Wolter. I am relatively new to blogging, but am eager to discuss views, with my co-bloggers Eli and the Random Geek. I am more Authoritarian and Liberal (I am considered the most liberal of the trio), although I have become more centrist as of late. I am open to new ideas, and am accepting of any social groups, and I look forward to debates with my fellow bloggers. I hope you all join the discussion as well, in an open-minded fashion, and hopefully we might discover something interesting about ourselves. 

Disclaimer: For those who find my name really cool, this is an alias, so just use a random name generator and who knows? Maybe you'll want to change your Birth Certificate :)

All About Eli (The Smart One)

Hello, I am Eli Johnson. I have never done much blogging, but figured this would be a good idea. Eager to discuss things with my bros The Random Geek and Wolter.  Politically, I fall right in the middle, favoring Conservative views on some issues and liberal views on others. I a not one to judge people based on their views of the world, so don't be afraid to comment on your viewpoint. Btw Eli Johnson is an alias so don't try to stalk me.