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Monday, May 2, 2016

Can't pun this one (too serious of an issue.)

Hey guys,
I believe that this is a difficult topic to have one "right" answer on, because as the situation changes, our response as a country needs to change. Ii firmly believe that any answer having to do with the treatment of all Muslims, or any religion for that matter, is not the way to go. When it comes down to it, a very small portion of Muslims are extremists. (Btw, I am Christian, not Muslim, so don't just blame my opinion on the assumption that I am Muslim.) I do believe that the nation should be able to monitor phone calls to areas outside of the country. This can help the government anticipate the next attack before people are killed. I am neutral on sending troops to help out in the middle east with the war on ISIS. I can understand it if the solders want to be there, however, many members of the armed forces join in order to protect our country, and it is wrong to have them risk their lives in order to help some other country if they don't want to. But, if there are people willing to serve in this manner, then I am all for helping out. It's when people are forced to risk their lives that I dislike the idea. As for ISIS's online recruiting, I say that we should attack it with all that we got. Hack their websites, remove their accounts, anything to stop it from spreading. As I said in the begging, there is no one size fit's all type of answer.. Keep this in mind when you are commenting, and coming up with the "perfect" solution.


  1. I see what you are saying Eli, but the thing is the US often gets involved in internal affairs of other countries under the pretense of combating terrorism, when what they are really doing is trying to protect the interests of oil rich countries such as Saudi Arabia. I'm not saying this happens all of the time (For example the way Bin Laden was handled was efficient and well-thought out), but quite a bit of the time.

  2. This is why I am saying that any soldiers sent over need to fully agree to do it, with no harm to their job if they refuse.

  3. Of course this is not often the case with soldiers.

  4. Yes, and that is what I'm saying needs to change.
