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Friday, May 6, 2016

Deathly Fear

Hey guys. This is a topic that has been on my mind for over a year now. I have had people and pets dropping left and right. Long story short, this topic is prominent. This issue is not one of being for or against death. I think we are all for it. This is an issue of philosophy, religion, science, and even ethics.
As for the philosophy and religion, I am a Christian, although my faith is most certainly in question at times. If there was the presence of a supreme and all loving god, you would think he would pace out the deaths in a family, unless it could result in a benefit for the family, despite the large amount of grief per time. This may be the circumstances. In the afterlife, as science has shown is most likely to exist, there must be some cure for all Alzheimers, all amnesia, all personality changes. You go through life, changing who you are, and then you die, and boom, there is your spouse, but no longer are you the person they loved. Long story short, it must change you into the person you were at the part of your life that you were best for all your loved ones, while giving back every memory you have ever had. Multiple spouses would have to work out. I think, somehow, it does. This is what is needed.
Say there is a family member, one who is very sick, and the family cannot afford to take care of them, but they find a way to manage. God recognizes that this is a bad situation for them to be in, so, after stretching their wallets and their faith to their limits, he takes the family member into his kingdom. If a lot of the family is sick, the process repeats.  Death can be a good thing, on a family and personal level, which is beyond a whole scientific over population excuse. Still, it would be a little nicer to be able to commune with these dead loved ones.
Now for the ethical bit. Do we extend life when the person is going to die anyways? Is it worth delaying the inevitable, putting them through all that pain and suffering, just to keep them around a little longer, to spend a bit more time with them? It is selfish to want to prolong another's life. It is selfish to try to prolong another's life, even if they want it too. Death is just life's big adventure, when it is time, take it.

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