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Monday, August 8, 2016

A Comical and almost Hillaryious Election

     I have to say that there are many negative things to say about both the Republicans and the Democrats this year, more so than previous elections. I have to say there hasn't been an election with such polarised ideals in a while, which is one of the reasons many agree with this. I have to agree with Eli on this one here, because both candidates have simply gone beyond crazy into the comical and funny area. I have to say that if Obama was somehow able to run for a third term along with these two candidates, I would vote for him instead. However, since the two major parties have become more and more polarized, the time for a third party is ripe. A majority of Americans don't have just republican or democratic ideals, they are in a neutral middle ground. If a third party with sufficient support were to rise in this middle ground, then we may have a serious contender.
     In this election I don't think it will happen, because just as Eli said, voting for a third party is basically throwing your vote away at this point in time. Nobody really knows the third parties as well. Still, if we start voting for third parties in this election, and the candidates in the next election are just as idealistic, then I believe we should all look to a party that can serve as a middle ground. Keep in mind this will only work if the next election is as crazy as this one. This one was too sudden for third parties to take advantage, but if they keep their eyes peeled, then a third party may be able to snatch the victory.
     I say that we vote for a third party, whichever one suits you, and show the candidates that if they are not going to take this seriously, then neither are we. 

1 comment:

  1. Even if a third party doesn't rise up, if a good portion of people vote for one, then it will show the two main parties that we are sick of them trying to ruin us to achieve their own means.
