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Monday, August 22, 2016

Trust your Instinct

Hey Guys,
So, to address the matter at hand. I have been a Pokemon fan since the games came out. I also played Ingress, Niantic's first AR game, for three years before Pokemon Go came out. So naturally I knew the day it came out that the game I had been waiting for since the initial announcement(1.5 years before) had come out, and I have been playing it constantly since then. Everyone is giving it a hard time for the servers and crashes, but as any new game, there are bugs that will be fixed. This is coupled with the HUGE load the first day. There were 50,000 downloads on Android when I got the app the first day it came out. That is why the servers were down more often. Now, they haven't crashed in 20 hours, and have 99.64% up-time in the last 24 hours. Id say that's a huge improvement over the first day.
Then there is the game itself. I love the game, because, like Ingress it give me a reason to get outside and off of the computer. I have met everyone from 5 year olds to 60 year olds playing this game, and almost everyone has been friendly, and willing to talk. There is some nice competition, with nothing too extreme.(of course there are always the one who take it too far.)
On to the matter of teams. Unless you are living under a Snorlax, you know that there are three teams in the game, Valor, Instinct, and Mystic. Once you  reach level five, you can choose a team and battle against other teams for control of gyms. There are numerous team stereotypes, some of them holding true (though not to the extreme extent). Basic rundown is, Valor and Mystic are highly competitive, both with a easy competition with Instinct. Valor is filled with the people who work the hardest, sometime until 1 or 2 in the morning. Mystic are the smart ones who over-analyze the game, and Instinct is filled with people who don't care about super competitive (I just made a new word). All of these stereotypes hold somewhat true, but not to the extent of the memes.
 I personally like instinct. I made it to twenty on that team, and there are less of us, which leads to a nice challenge. I'm one of the strongest in my area for my team, so I get a lot of the gyms to myself. I think Spark is the best leader, especially the way the memes portray him. I have no life outside of games, working and this blog though, so I may have a biased opinion to begin with. Thanks for reading, feel free to comment your views.

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